viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013

Interview about Europe's day

Good morning Europeans!
Tomorrow is Europe's day and to celebrate it, we will have an exclusive interview from the hand of our colleague and friend Luis Ivan Cuende. First we will make some simple questions about the European Union that you can also answer and, later, he's going to tell us more about the European union.

Here you have the questions:

1. Did you know that tomorrow is Europe Day? How did you celebrate this day?
2. Do you know the origin and the reason for the founding of the European Union?
3. Could you name some of the founding members?
4. When did Spain's entry into the European Union?
5. Do you consider yourself a citizen of the European Union?
6. Do you know the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union?
7. Do you know your rights as a European citizen?
8. Would you like that in the future existed European Union?
9. What benefits do you have if you are European Union membership? and  Drawbacks?
10. Do you believe in the Euro as the currency of the future?
So you can measure your knowledge in Europe.
Tomorrow we will publish an entry with the correct answers and our personal take on those more subjective.

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