miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013

9 May (Europe's Day)

On May 9 is important for many people for certain reasons and aspects, but it is for us because it is Europe's Day.
Europe's Day is a celebration that takes place as we have mentioned the May 9 in the European Union and is in memory of the Schuman's Declaration in which the French foreign minister, Robert Schuman, made the first step for the integration of European states and proposed that coal and steel from Germany and France to submit to a joint administration, promoting the creation of the European Community, the origin of the current European Union.
The commemoration of that date takes place since 1985, after approval by the Heads of State and Governments at the European Council.
Despite being the only official celebration day of the European Union, is considered a weekday and the celebrations organized by the member states are not equated to those performed on the occasion of national holidays of each state.
Europe Day is a exclusive symbol of the European Union.
Each year the European Commission published a promotional poster, which comprises a different reason each time. Many schools celebrate May 9 to make students see the importance of this day, as children and young people are the future citizens of the European Union, for this reason teachers increasingly involved in initiatives that promote Europeanism .
They emphasize the celebrations promoted by the Project Europe Cell spreading seeking that day in the education sector.

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